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Top Four Business Advantages for Implementing a Spatial Digital Twin Platform

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Until recently, AECO professionals faced a problem—solutions for capturing real-world data for a digital twin were expensive and time consuming. Now with the Cupix platform built around spatial context scanning, you can generate 3D maps from a simple 360 video walk.

Download the following guide, to explore the four major advantages of spatial digital twin technology and what sets Cupix apart.

Collaborators discussing construction progress with CupixWorks SiteView, comparing as-built data with BIM side-by-side for effective decision-making.
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Top Four Business Advantages for Implementing a Spatial Digital Twin Platform

Download our free ebook

Until recently, AECO professionals faced a problem—solutions for capturing real-world data for a digital twin were expensive and time consuming. Now with the Cupix platform built around spatial context scanning, you can generate 3D maps from a simple 360 video walk.

Download the following guide, to explore the four major advantages of spatial digital twin technology and what sets Cupix apart.

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Top Four Business Advantages for Implementing a Spatial Digital Twin Platform

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