

Two step verification
Highest level of data protection with robust encryption
Data reliability through top-tier third party cloud service provider
Self-Managed Storage
SOC2, ISO 27001, CSA STAR certification

ユーザーごとのプライバシー設定、Azure ADと連携した多要素認証、きめ細かなアクセス管理など、堅牢なセキュリティ機能でプロジェクトデータを保護。保管時と転送時の暗号化、オプションのプライベートAWS S3ストレージ構成により、データ保護を確実に実施。SOC2 Type II、ISO 27001、CSA STARなど業界標準の認証を取得・維持。




エンタープライズグレードの認証オプションでプラットフォームのセキュリティを強化。多要素認証によるアカウント保護の強化と、Azure Active Directoryとのシームレスな統合によるシングルサインオン機能により、組織のユーザーに対するセキュリティと利便性の両立を実現します。






独自のAWS S3インフラストラクチャを活用できる柔軟性により、データストレージ戦略を完全にコントロール。このカスタム設定オプションにより、既存のクラウドインフラ投資を活用しながら、組織固有のセキュリティポリシーとデータガバナンス要件に合わせたプラットフォームストレージの調整が可能です。


業界標準の認証を完備し、最も厳格なエンタープライズセキュリティ要件に対応。SOC2 Type II、ISO 27001、CSA STAR認証の維持により、セキュリティのベストプラクティスへの取り組みを実証し、エンタープライズグレードの導入に必要な保証を提供。定期的な第三者監査により、これらの厳格なセキュリティ基準への継続的なコンプライアンスを確保します。

Self-Managed Storage

Cupix provides an option for customers to designate storage for storing data. This allows customers to have full control over their data storage environment and implement security policies that align with their organizational standards and compliance requirements.

Certification and Compliance

Cupix upholds ISO 27001, CSA STAR, and SOC 2 certifications, ensuring compliance with global security standards. Comprehensive policies safeguard customer data and ensure legal compliance, reflecting Cupix's commitment to trust, transparency, and protection.

Authentication and Authorization

Our platform ensures secure access through robust authentication methods, including ID/Password, Email MFA, and SSO. Role-based access control (RBAC) enables precise permission management, allowing teams to define member roles and assign minimal access rights as needed.

Data Protection

Cupix protects customer data with robust encryption, securing it both in transit and at rest. All sessions use encrypted connections, and server-side encryption ensures stored data remains secure, providing the highest level of confidentiality and trust.
Progress Visualization

Visualize work schedule to track progress and project completion

Visualize the actual progress of your project compared to the planned schedule in a Gantt chart.View performance of vendors  and forecast your projected completion date using actual production rates.

Reliability through Data Availability

Cupix leverages top-tier third-party cloud service providers with secure, compliant data centers. Customers can select regional hosting options, including the U.S., Australia, and Europe. Automated backups and tested recovery strategies ensure data availability and resilience against disruptions.

Self-Managed Storage

Cupix provides an option for customers to designate storage for storing data. This allows customers to have full control over their data storage environment and implement security policies that align with their organizational standards and compliance requirements.

Truly scalable with support for projects of any size

SiteInsights is designed to efficiently manage large-scale projects with complex BIM elements and extended timelines by leveraging selective just-in-time multi-BIM web loading for each task and work area, enabling faster and more streamlined progress tracking.

Certification and Compliance

Cupix upholds ISO 27001, CSA STAR, and SOC 2 certifications, ensuring compliance with global security standards. Comprehensive policies safeguard customer data and ensure legal compliance, reflecting Cupix’s commitment to trust, transparency, and protection.